Mount Bromo Sunrise

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mount Bromo Sunrise

Mount Bromo (2329 m dpl), is one of the mountains from several other mountain that lay in the complex of Tengger Mountains area, standing at Caldera with 8-10 km diameter caldera wall surrounded the sea of sand is very steep slope  ± 60-80 degrees and height ranged between 200-600 meters. The appeal of a special Mount Bromo is a volcano crater in the middle of the sea of sand that stretched around the Bromo volcano which until now still visible white smoke at any time, indicating it is still active Mount.

One of the most exciting attractions on Mount Bromo is a sunrise. Clouds that cover the sky slowly - land parted by yellowish-white ball - brass. Rosy light on the eastern horizon. Slowly - gabby land arose the growing up in a half circle of the sun is bright red. Gradually turned into a golden color. The air around the beginning explained. Start a day and a new life. Everything reminds us of the greatness of God Almighty. Except at the top of Bromo, sunrise attractions can be viewed at Pananjakan Peak .


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